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Beat the Heat: A Guide to Using Your Air Con Unit This Summer

January 20, 2023

Beat the Heat A Guide to Using Your Air Con Unit This Summer

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Summer is here and we all want to be comfortable in our homes and offices. But with energy prices on the rise, running an AC unit can be a concern for many. Don’t sweat it, we’ve got you covered with the ultimate guide to using your air con unit this summer.

Ideal Temperature Settings

One of the most hotly debated topics in the office is the best temperature to set your air con during summer. Good news is, there are general guidelines to help you find the perfect balance between comfort and efficiency. Based on average regional temperatures, the ideal temperature range is between 25°C to 27°C. However, keep in mind that the ideal temperature varies by region. Check out the table below to see the recommended temperature range for your area:

Region Summer AC Temp
Nth QLD, Nth WA, NT & Central Australia 21 – 23°C
SA 24° – 25°C
TAS 28°C
SW WA 23° – 24°
SE NSW, NE VICT & ACT 26° – 27°
Sth VIC 24°

Remember, air con temperatures are all about finding the right balance. As the temperature rises outside, your AC unit will have to work harder, so keep that in mind when adjusting the temperature.

Internal vs External Temperatures

Another important factor to consider is the difference between internal and external temperatures. Experts suggest that keeping your AC 8°C cooler than the outdoors is the perfect balance between comfort and efficiency. So, if it’s 30°C outside, try 22°C indoors for a comfortable environment without using too much energy.

Best Nighttime Temperature

Your ideal nighttime temperature will depend on personal preference and the temperature outside. If it’s cool enough, open your windows for a natural cool breeze. But if the temperature is low but still humid, set your AC to 1 or 2°C below the outside temperature to remove the humidity while you sleep.

Reducing Running Costs

We all want to save money, especially after the recent rise in the cost of living. Keeping your energy costs down is easy, just remember: the harder you ask your AC unit to work, the more energy it requires. So, keep your temperatures moderate and you’ll save on energy costs.

To estimate your energy costs, check out the air conditioning calculator from Ergon Energy. Simply input your cooling capacity (in watts), typical temperature settings, hours per day, and weeks per year, and you’ll get a rough estimate of your energy bill.

Stay cool and save money this summer with these helpful tips for using your AC unit. And, if you have any other questions, the Advanced Climate Solutions Team is here to help. Happy Summer!


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